Kombucha sorbet

Tired of drinking all that green tea and yoghurt to improve your health? – Let the fermented Eastern classic Kombucha into your life! Never heard about it? Well, read on then … Kombucha is...

Lemon meringue ice cream

Lemon curd and meringues is a truly classic combination, well known throughout – in particular – the Anglo-Saxon culinary world. No wonder then, that these two ingredients that marry so well together also make for...

Figs in Port ice cream

Remember the proverbial fig leaves worn by the biblical Adam and Eve?  Too delicate to only serve as symbols for loss of innocence and fall from grace, figs can also be used to make...

Vanilla! Vanilla!

Born of blood from a princess, considered to be an aphrodisiac since Pre-Columbian times, and the second most expensive spice in the world (after saffron).  In the world of ice cream, no other flavour...