King Kong Banana toffee ice cream
Philadelphia-style recipe with ripe bananas,caramelized sweetened condensed milk, yoghurt and - possibly - a grown-up touch of coffee.
  • 4 very ripe bananas
  • 1 can (325 ml/about 1.4 cup) of sweetened condensed milk, caramelised
  • 100 ml (about 0.4 cup) cream
  • 150 ml (about 0.6 cup) yoghurt
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • ½-1 teaspoon of good quality, genuine vanilla powder
  • (optional: 1-2 teaspoons of instant coffee powder of good quality, or freshly ground coffee)
How to caramelize sweet condensed milk
  1. Take one (or - while you are at it anyway - preferably several) unopened can(s) of sweet condensed milk, put in a saucepan or casserole and submerge in water. Bring the water to a boil, and then keep it on a low boil for two hours. Check regularly, making sure that the can stays submerged, adding more water as appropriate. NEVER risk letting your can boil dry, which would be dangerous! In other words, do not let children deal with this part of the preparations. You could also put the casserole with the can(s) under water in the oven for 3½ hours on 140º C (284º F) - this takes longer, but minimises the risk for dry-boiling and associated disasters.
Making the ice cream
  1. Mash the bananas with a fork in a bowl to the state of purée, add the lemon juice and set aside.
  2. Whip the cream with the vanilla to a rather soft whipped cream. Add the yoghurt and the caramelised sweetened condensed milk. Whip until all is well combined, then stir in the banana purée and - if using - the coffee powder.
  3. Freeze in your ice cream maker according to instructions, or still-freeze in your freezer.
  4. Place in a freezer-safe container, cover with plastic film and a lid, and store in the freezer.
Adding even just a little coffee to this recipe can have quite an impact on the flavour - the extra dimension is likely to be appreciated by grown-ups. Children, however, would probably prefer an ice cream without the added coffee. So, if you are curious and intend to serve both adults and children - why not make two (possibly smaller) batches and try both with, and without, coffee?