Runeberg ice cream
The Runeberg tortes (makes about 5-8 tartes)
  • 100 gram butter
  • 100 ml (0.4 cup) sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml (0.4 cup) ground almond
  • 100 ml (0.4 cup) bread crumbs
  • 50 ml (0.2 cup) flour
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • (optional, but recommended) dark rhum to saturate the tartes, and according to taste. Just for the ice cream, you would need about 2-3 tablespoons.
  • (optional) zest of ½ lemon
If preparing the original tartes with topping
  • 100 ml (0.4 cup) powdered sugar
  • 2 teaspoons water
  • 50 ml (0.2 cup) raspberry jam of high quality (= high fruit content)
If preparing tartes for ice cream only
  • 50-100 ml (0.2-0.4 cup) raspberry jam (to be swirled into the churned ice cream base later).
The ice cream base
  • 150 ml (0.6 cup) milk
  • 400 ml (1.7 cups) cream
  • 50 ml (0.2 cup) yoghurt
  • 100 gram (0.4 cup) sugar
  • 2 eggs (omit if you are worried about unpasteurised eggs and their potential negative health effects)
The Runeberg tortes
  1. Melt the sugar and blend it with the sugar into a batter. While whisking, add the egg (and the lemon zest, if using). Mix the remaining dry ingredients and add to the batter.
  2. Prepare and grease about 5 portion-sized (preferably cylindrical) cake tins or cups. Fill them up to about ¾, and avoid packing the dough too firmly.
  3. Put in a micro-wave oven for 3 minutes on 325 W, and then in 2 minuter on 650 W - if making more than 4-5, split the tins/cans in two batches.
  4. Let cool down, remove any tins or cups as appropriate and - if making the tortes, rather than using them for the ice cream - top the tortes with raspberry jam and mix the powdered sugar and water to icing. Put the icing in a ring around the round circle of raspberry jam. Saturate the tartes with some dark rhum.
The ice cream base
  1. Whisk the eggs with the sugar. Add the milk, the cream and the yoghurt. Blend well and churn in your ice cream machine according to instructions. Towards the end of the churning, crumble about 200 grams of your Runeberg tortes into the base.
  2. After the churning has finished, put the ice cream base in a freezer-safe container, put on the raspberry jam and swirl it into the base with a knife or a fork. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze in your freezer.