Coffee granita
Granitas are very traditional Italian summer frozen treats - shaved ice crystals rather than ice cream. Coffee is one of the most classic of granita flavours and very easy to make: if you can brew coffee and churn it around by hand while it freezes in your household freezer, you should have no problems to make it!
  • About 500 ml (2 2/5 cups) freshly brewed espresso coffee
  • About 50 ml (1/5 cup or about 4 tablespoons) - or more, according to preferred sweetness
  • About ½ tbsp lemon juice
  • Optional add-ons: whipped cream, fresh fruit, suitable alcohol (brandy, liqueur ...)
  1. Brew the coffee (or get hold of ready-made espresso). Make sure not to brew it too strong/bitter.
  2. Pour it into a freezer-safe container/form, where the coffee ideally should be spread quite flat (a small depth will make for a faster freezing).
  3. Stir in the sugar, add the lemon juice and leave to cool down, then chill in your refrigerator for a couple of hours or so. Check the sweetness and add some more if you deem it appropriate - since the freezing that awaits will dull the flavour, the sweetness should ideally be a bit too sweet for your liking at this stage.
  4. Put the container/form in the freezer. Check on the mixture after about 1 hour. As the coffee begins to freeze around the edges of the form, stir it all with a fork and return to the freezer.
  5. Continue to check and churn about once every hour until the now-frozen coffee has been transformed into a pleasant heap of ice crystals (the crystals about the size of rice corns).
  6. Serve and enjoy, possibly adding some (very optional) whipped cream, fresh fruit and/or suitable alcohol you like and have at hand.
An alternative method would be to freeze the flavoured ice to a more solid block and then chip or grate off the amount of granita you require. Those who have access to an ice cream machine could arguably also turbo-freeze the mix in that one, and go for granita that way.